
We are only Human

Disasters are of two kinds, Natural and Manmade. When they are manmade, the blame is purely on the fellow humans who are responsible for the acts of cruelty. But, are all-natural disasters, truly Natural? Hmm…to a certain extent… maybe…but I feel to an extent we humans also are party to its planning. Slow and steady, we have abused the planet, and it is now giving it all back to us, in bits and parts. The rains that flooded the streets and households of Mumbai on 26 th July 2005 were to some extent a result of the extensive littering of plastic bags that chocked the drains. That was the time when the truly human side of every citizen of Mumbai was revealed. Most people were out on the streets, from the comfort of their homes to help those in need with food packets and water. The disastrous earthquake in the Himalayan country, Nepal, has taught us the good side of human nature. Thousand and lakhs of distorted citizens, tourists are terrified by the massive destruction caused....