
Showing posts with the label 2022 homebound

Embracing Neurodiversity

  In a world that celebrates diversity in all its forms, there is a growing recognition of the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodiverse individuals bring to society. From autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and beyond, neurodiversity encompasses a spectrum of neurological variations that shape the way individuals experience and interact with the world. Rather than viewing neurodiversity through a lens of deficit or disorder, it's time to embrace the multitude of talents and capabilities that neurodiverse individuals possess. By recognizing and accommodating their unique needs, we can unlock a wealth of benefits for both individuals and society as a whole. One of the most striking aspects of neurodiversity is the diversity of thought and creativity it brings to the table. Neurodiverse individuals often possess a keen eye for detail, innovative problem-solving skills, and a fresh perspective that can lead to breakthroughs in va

Education Makes Us Humane: Sharing Perspectives during A Mentoring Journey

 I recently had the privilege of mentoring a second-year undergraduate student through a volunteer assignment from my organization. Our discussion revolved around the significance of career choices, with the student expressing a strong inclination towards government jobs for the dignity and societal identity they offer. I took the opportunity to share a valuable insight – it's not merely about the job title or sector, but the value one brings to their work. I emphasized that expertise attracts attention, regardless of the domain. As our conversation unfolded, the student raised the common question of the importance of obtaining certificates. I debunked the notion that it's just a piece of paper by highlighting that it serves as proof of credibility. However, I added that the true value lies in the knowledge gained during education, turning it into a lifelong achievement. A certificate not only provides a starting point for a career but also signifies a commitment to continuous

Unveiling Success: The Paradox of Too Much Hard Work

  In the pursuit of success, the mantra "hard work pays off". While this has echoed through the corridors of ambition for generations. As we approach the year-end, I take this opportunity to reflect on the role of relentless effort in achieving some of my goals. In my life, hard work is undoubtedly a crucial ingredient for success. Hard work is the backbone of achievement and molds aspirations into reality. I never fail to see my dreams come to life by consistently promising myself to take action.  I have been chasing some major goals in the past few days, which has kept me away from writing my blog. But I look forward to dedicating my soul to achieving my goals. The fruits of success are sweet.  2023, has also kept me motivated, as all year round I've been doing what I do best. That is interacting with people, getting to know them, train people, coach people. Thankyou for this 2023! In the coming year, I wish that everyone embrace a new challenge, a new goal. I would als

Navigating Expectations in a Perfection-Driven World

  In a world where perfection is often perceived as the ultimate goal, the pressure to meet expectations can be overwhelming. While it's natural not to fear individuals, the quest for validation and the need to prove oneself can become so daunting. At most times its not about fear of the other person, but its about understanding the dynamics of expectations and discovering the beauty in imperfection. Living up to the expectations of those around us can feel like a never-ending quest for perfection. Whether in personal relationships or professional endeavors, the pressure to meet a certain standard can be stifling. It's essential to recognize that perfection is an unrealistic ideal that often leads to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Rather than succumbing to the weight of external expectations, it's crucial to embrace imperfection as a fundamental part of being human. Understanding that mistakes and flaws are inevitable allows for personal growth and resilience. By acknowledgi

You've Changed.." Ever Heard This?

 Whats with this "You've Changed..."? Heard this a couple of times myself. Usually thw context in which it is said is sheer dissatisfaction. Why? Why should one get upset because of the changes in my life or myself?  Everybody changes overtime it is the experience of a person that changes the individual. Overtime what we go through and how we are made aware or  what we make of tricky situations shapes the way we become. More than the situations which are easy going, we learn from the tricky situations where we have got stuck, and how we have been able to find our way out. When every stage of life comes with its own challenges and teaches us to find a way out of the difficulties of that stage, we come out wiser and we come out stronger. So when people say you have changed. You are no more the same, you have different priorities. That just means you are living your life well and learning at every stage, you are being more mature with age. You are meant to evolve as a being

Lets Lift Each Other

  What do we do to lift each other up? Have you been helping others in need, supporting people around you, collaborating with a colleague for sharing a learning? Everything in life and everybody in life, by nature, we co-exist. In reference to co existence i came across this article on coexistence with nature. In a village Chandapani, in the outskirts of Guwahati, a farmer named Bodo grows paddy, which is a seasonal crop. There are many elephants in that area who come often to destroy the crop. So much of crop gets destroyed before the harvest and it is a big loss for the farmer.   In the given circumstances, the way a human living in a city would think, i put some mind to it. The way we are cutting trees and making concrete jungles everywhere, the farmer must also be doing something to keep off the menance. While this is generally true that either humans would drive the elephants away or probably get killed by their wild side, in this case of Bodo, things were different. The article

Goals are mere Dreams without Action

There is no point in setting goals and not working towards them in any way. I get asked many times, what do you do to begin doing a certain tasks like learning, managing your studies, or even get the motivation for cleaning your drawer, or finish a certificate course. Yes we all begin doing these things or at least plan to in our minds. But what is the mindset when it comes to actually doing it.  According to me it is just doing that one step at a time. It's breaking the chain of thinking that i will do it, to actually doing that task. So what to just start doing is: Making sure you are consistent and taking step at a time towards the goal. Making sure that a movement is made , even if slow or small. Remember not to try to achieve everything at one go. It's ok to be small, that is break down the task and then conquer in bits. Check your direction whether it's the right direction in which you are moving.. And never doubt in yourself if you are doing the right thing or you ar

Your Stories can Inspire Someone to Pursue Their Dream

At times you wonder, what can you do different for other people around you? Can you do something which they will remember you for a lifetime? Well we all have that potential to do something which is so difference that people remember us for it. Have you ever thought why people write there autobiography? Yes most of the times they write to inspire others. They want to celebrate their life story. They want to inspire others by talking about the successes and struggles they have been through, the steps they took towards success, they want to talk about what are the take away which others can also follow or maybe tweak something in that and then follow. Your Stories can inspire someone to pursue their dream. Never doubt the impact of sharing it. I do understand that everyone is just living their life and may not have the thought and time to share their stories. However the truth is there is so many so so many of us who have wonderful stories to share and to get inspired from. Do we all req

The Real Treasure

  The real treasure of your life. What is it?  Most of us feel at the first instance that its our job, house, car, jewellery, savings, investments.  But then if we reflect these are the things which give us hedonic happiness. That is when they are there or we get more of it, then we are happ. In absence of these, our happiness reduces or vanishes.  In reality these material items are just instrumental in providing a good life, health, peace of mind, and loving relationships.  Going even further, once we have all of this we still strive to achieve meaning and purpose, flourish in life, make life beautiful for others and make use of our existence. This is eudiamonic happiness. That is it comes from within and we can have it inspite of the kinds of turns external events take. Treasure has different connotations for different individuals, depending on their lifestyle, their experiences, their stafe of living, their stage of evolution and maturity. For some it may be all of the above and al

How Society Thinks we should Fit the Bill

  We live in a society with presumptions and assumptions of things. We can't help but have so many of them held by ourselves.  Things which are to be done in a particular way, should be that way. My child was painting and drawing in her colour book. Although it was messy art, I loved her idea of not colouring a zebra black and white, and not giving a cow the white colour. I know that does not fit the bill, but it does give her a chance to show her creativity. I let her do it. In my mind I was arguing, is she learning the right colours of the animal, but in my heart I wanted her to include all colours in her drawing and be open to using her creativity. In everything we do, we look at how to do it, what is the right way. Be it dressing, eating, or even making new things. We are conditioned to seek symmetry and be one with the crowd. This is social psychology is called conformity bias, the idea of confirming to everything others say, do, in order to be liked, in order to be an in-grou

Change: To Resist or Adapt?

  Once upon the time there was a huge oak tree which stood proudly on the banks of a river in the forest. At the foot of the oak there grew many reeds . They often spoke to each other about how different life is for them. The oak said he could view far and have a 360 degree view of the surroundings.  He seemed very proud of his height and slender self. The reeds listened silenty and also at times advised the oak to look at the ground to know what is happening right where they are growing. The oak refused to look down and bow down. He said flexibility is not my nature.  Just then, the winds turned vicious, the soil started to loosen, crazy winds took over. The oak tree, sticking to its nature, did not flex and uprooted. While the reeds bowed, flexed and stuck to the soil, they survived the storm.  Times demand us to be flexible, bow down when we know we can't stand tall, and take alternate routes when required. If we don't budge stating it's our nature, then the loss is none

When you want to give up, Think of why you started in the first place anyway

 Recently my child has developed a new interest in solving puzzle pieces. The colourful pieces attract her to mix and match the pieces and put the picture together. After she made one small one, I clapped and rejoiced with her. Then she took to making another. After a few pieces, she got tired and broke the whole thing. The look on her face told me she found it difficult and got irritated to try anymore. I said "Hmm Making and breaking the puzzle? Why you started in the first place anyway? Come on think about how exciting it is to learn something new and be able to finally achieve it." And then I said to myself, "The recognition, feeling of achievement, what was that motivation which brought you till there before you even think of giving up on anything, think through, why are you even here?" At times life is keeping you over occupied with all aspects. It is natural to feel too stressed while managing so much. However, when you think of giving up, just find a light

Treat others the way you want to be treated

  It all starts with being kind to others and not being judgemental. Be an enabler for others. Always remember, you never know when its your turn. Larry was working for some pocket money while he was completing his college in pharmacy specialisation. For Larry, the money was also helping him support himself as he did not intend to burden his retired parents anymore financially. Larry's job of a sales man in a apparel shop was quite hectic and his store manager would always be extremely rude to him for no reason. The store manager aka his boss would change targets of sales in the mid of the month so that Larry would never be able to reach his sale target and never get the bonus amount with his salary. Larry graduated from college and years passed and he was well settled. He had a few pharmacy stores in the city and had quite a few employees to manage the chain of stores. One day he was in one of the store's back office, while he heard some chatter at the counter outside. He went

Feedback is called so, as it has to be Fed Back

 Feedback is difficult to give, but iits necessary to see your people grow. If you are a true well-wisher for someone, you will give honest feedback to that person. Lets see what this story brings to light. There was once a proud little frog, who grew amongst his group of friends in a pond. He often looked at his reflection in the water, the angle of the sun rays made his reflection to appear extra large at times. The larger the reflection, more powerful the frog would feel. He often told his group of frogs that he was the biggest frog ever. None of his friends would correct him and tell him that he was just perceiving one side of the story.  One day an Ox came to the banks of the pond. Looking at the huge Ox the frog felt small. He again looked at his reflection which made him feel proud and big, however not as big as the Ox. So the frog took deep puffs and swelled up. To compete with the Ox he swelled up further. Till the frog could swell no further. He soon burst. If he would have r

Lets Celebrate The Family Support A Mother Gets

 As a child I used to watch Flintstone Comic on Cartoon Network. The life of the mothers seemed pretty sorted and they used to handle their tiny children so calmly. The character Welma (wife of Flintstone) used to present herself so sophisticated and was also assertive in the way she managed her household. I always felt it would be that easy as I was living in the dreamy world at that time. But as we grow up, life happens, and so it did to me too. I now know what all it takes to manage a child and a household with work additionally. How my support system works so well and family is very essential to maintain that equilibrium. However I am so proud of my abilities to manage so many things in the best possible way I can. One thing on mother's day I vouch for is mother's are just the face of the family, thier contribution in any form is valuable and intense. But let's count the family as a unit who is working to support the mothers to operate at their optimal performance. At l

Zindagi Aur Kuch Bhi Nahi, Teri Meri Kahani Hai

 We are here for a short while and we must not crib. Lets take the most of of each moment, lets make more friends and spread more love. We must each day aim for exchange of positive vibes with whomever we come in contact. We must be enterprising enough to get ideas that can change the life of any individual we meet with exchange of thoughts, ideas, and sentiments. As a coach I have the capability and the privilege to listen to tons of people who flock in my calendar seeking my time to talk their woes and exchange perspectives towards life. Can I make a difference in their life just by being there? Yes ofcourse! Empathy, compassion, listening and showing the mirror is my job and I love what I do:) Today, in the office we celebrated International Coaching Week 2023. Although we did not splurge much on it and kept our enjoyment simple, it's the little joys that brought our team together in many ways. My boss took the baton in her hands to see to it that each individual gets a customis

Which Seed Are You?

  A farmer planted seeds on his farm and rested for the rain to fall and seeds to flourish into crops. Two seeds started talking. One said I feel so lazy, I do not want to grow up so soon. Growing up is so boring and even tedious to do. I think I will rest in the soil for a while.  The second seed which was buried deep already felt the urge to grow. He said I am waiting for the rain to fall and it is my duty to flourish and bloom into a beautiful plant. That is what my life is for and I will do what I am supposed to do.  As time passed the seed that rested slept for days and months and the other one grew tall and green. One day the farmers dog was playing on the farm and since the spot where the sleeping seed lay was open and barren, he dug it up. The seed was unearthed. The farmer's hen came pecking there and ate the seed. That was the end of a life not well spent.  Learning has to be continuous to be impactful. It cannot be a one off time of training or reading something. We are

Nothing Comes Easy Not Does It Come Early

I noticed many congratulations messages and hearts on my 100th blog post. I got few comments in my inbox asking me about how I get time to do this and it is really something to be dedicated to. This blog I would want to state that nothing comes easy and nor does it come early. Any success is hardwork and perseverance. But more than anything else I want to stress upon how not to procrastinate. I got people telling me that they also have a lot of ideas but have not put them in an article or blog or else they would also have many online followers. I say its simple, procrastination hits us all. It is a disease and we need to fight it. We can simply remove 2 mins a day to start with and scribble our thoughts, we can continue to do so till all of it is out there and then reframe the sentences and rearrange out ideas to bring out the best version of the article.  Can't we all get that time for ourselves? And hence consistency comes into picture. We may not have it on the priority list as

Consistency Paves the Path, It's a Century

 Just like we decorate our surroundings with things, to decorate our mind we have thoughts that beautify it. I choose to write to release my thoughts and channelise them in a constructive manner. It truly is liberating for me to be able to express myself. This is one way I choose to express myself. It could be different for you. Have you thought of how you do it? When you want to release thoughts what action do you do? What activity do you prefer to undertake to release your thoughts? Afterall thoughts are energy and they get released in some form of feeling, resulting in behaviour. Some people may prefer art, craft, dance, pottery, talking to another person. I like to write for the same reason. In whatever form, energy needs a release. A cloud filled with rain water, cannot hold back, it has to release the rain. If you release, you feel lighter and brighter. Just like that dark cloud, once the rain is released it feels lighter.  Our honourable Prime Minister has a series of radio tal

The Boiling Frog

  Have you heard of the story of the elephant in chains? Yes, to tame the giant, when they are young and not strong, they are tied to a pole or a tree using ropes or chains. They are not strong enough to break themselves free at that time. As time passes by they consider it a given that they will be tied to the pole forever. Even with full strength in their bodies, they fail to apply it as they have accepted their life tied to the pole. Another story we have often heard is of the boiling frog. A frog is kept in water and kept to boil. The frog initially is very comfortable. Till the water is warm it feels like this is the ideal temperature. At one point the frog starts feeling hot, but does not still want to jump out as earlier he did not do it. After a certain temperature, the water is boiling and the frog is unable to act, so it boils to death. The other day I saw a truck full of chickens outside a chicken shop. As the man was pulling out the chickens and handing them to the shopkeep