
Showing posts with the label vision

My Journey and Observations of the stages of Shared Vision

 Image taken from book Schools that Learn by PETER SENGE, NELDA CAMBRON-McCABE, TIMOTHY LUCAS, BRYAN SMITH, JANIS DUTTON, ART KLEINER Peter Senge's groundbreaking book, *The Fifth Discipline*, introduced the concept of a Learning Organization. Central to this concept is the idea of a shared vision, a process of aligning individuals and teams towards a common goal. Senge outlines five stages of shared vision development: Telling, Selling, Testing, Consulting, and Co-Creating. Over the years, I've witnessed these stages firsthand in various organizations. In my early career, I experienced the "Telling" phase more often. Leaders dictated the vision, leaving little room for discussion or input. This approach, while efficient, often led to resistance and a lack of commitment. As I progressed, I encountered the "Selling" stage. Leaders presented the vision persuasively, emphasizing its benefits and addressing concerns. This approach was more engaging,