The Risk of Behaving Irresponsibly…

Lockdown Lifted
Lockdown Lifted
Since the lockdown is lifted by the Government and normalcy has been resumed, many have taken the period of lockdown like a by-gone. It's like become a thing of the past and they want to forget the few months when they were confined and regain their freedom entirely. It's not actually wrong to feel that way. We all want to refrain from getting into a lockdown situation again and also want to forget the ill effects of the pandemic on all the aspects of our lives. That includes family life, social life, economic downturn, psychological trauma which we faced. Yes, we want to forget all of it. Which is fine.

New normal
New Normal

However, we are not realising the fact that the virus still exists in and around in the society. There are so many asymptomatic carriers who unknowingly are mixing up with other healthy individuals who have not yet come in contact with the virus.

Somewhere what happened due to the lockdown is, we got scared and worried about our lives and the lives of our close ones, and we all, or most of us, adhered to the government orders. But what has happened is, I see, since the lockdown is lifted, the psychology of people is, the virus is gone. But no..its not…

Some offices have resumed as mine has. And despite the precautions stated by the management, people do have their way out to remove their masks, not follow social distancing, and keep their aarogya setu app bluetooth off.

Follow Social Distancing
Follow Social Distancing

My question is whom are we fooling here? It’s ourselves. And in the process, we are risking others also, who are sincerely trying to follow all of it. What is lacking for people to risk their and other's lives? Is it a lack of education? Or awareness? Or just the self - discipline? Or is it a great feeling of high when you behave rebelliously and go against the system.

A piece of news I read recently stated that Pune police, within a span of 8 days, collected a fine of 1.40 crore from people not wearing a mask. (Source: Hindustan Times)

It is not just in India, news of other countries also shows this irresponsible behaviour

Only if we behave responsibly, and follow the rules of the new normal, will this finally end or come under control. Panic is not the solution, but neither being too relaxed is. We must realise, that we co-exist. Others are a part of the system, as much as you are.

Let's jointly accept personal responsibility for the consequences of our actions. 

