Joy of Giving.. GIVE.. take a Pause for a Cause
In a training session, I recently learnt about an inspiring story of a 13 year old Chennai based girl, M Nethra. The real life hero and inspiration did not know what her good deal would give her in return until it really did.
The story goes, that when the first lockdown struck there were many people who were left stranded on the road, without food, without adequate supply of ration, and money to meet the daily expenses. These people, mostly the daily wage earners, at that point of time, thought that they should leave for their villages to survive or else they would have to perish in poverty. Due to the sudden announcement of lockdown and closure of state transport systems, they had only one choice, that is walk many many miles to reach their destination. They had extremely a little money to survive and they thought the best way to survive for long term is to go to their hometowns as there was no mode of earning left in the city.
Their plight was all in the news and was known to the entire country. While this 13 year old, Chennai based girl saw it all, she told her father, who runs a salon, that we should help these needy labourers in someway. The father said that he had only 5 lac rupees of saving which had kept aside for her future. Her education depends on what was saved, and the father added that he cannot guarantee if he could save more money in the future for her studies. The girl had a dream of appearing for Indian services which required coaching to get through the exams.
In the meanwhile, the girl also looked at the troubled labourers who were stranded on the roads who definitely required help. Some of them not even wearing slippers and walking barefoot. The girl told her father that it is better to give them the saved money looking at the present situation, rather than saving for the future which is uncertain.
After doing the noble cause the girl forgot about it. But on learning about this, our Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in his Mann Ki Baat on radio mentioned about the girl, her father and acknowledged them for their noble work.
The cause was also popularised in various world forums including the United Nations. The UN decided to make M Nethra the Goodwill Ambassador for the Poor.
Since then the she has also been given the opportunity to speak at the UN Civil Society Organization conference.
We all have the inner conscience telling us to do a good deed, which we silence at times.
To give is to see joy in other's eyes. It is an incredible feeling which only few people get the privilege of.
I agree, there are many in this world who do not tell the truth, they just want to extract money out of others, but we must be able to have heart to genuinely help others. If we do genuinely help, irrespective of the receiver's intentions (may be unknown to us), the kindness will definitely be back at some point of time or the other. So here I would also say follow your gut. The inner guide tells you when you must act.
If you are unable to give financially, I suggest we can help people by offering education, or learning. Knowledge is wealth in today's times and that also can be a great tool for empowering others. If you feel knowledge should not be given for free you can charge a minimal amount and pass the knowledge to the deserving. Many today who would like to be educated, but do not have access to the same. So take the step ahead to GIVE. Take a pause for a cause. Keepers only eat better, those who are the givers sleep better.