Perspectives and views, not life judgements
We should have perspective to life , about how people behave, how things around us should be organised, how our behaviour should be in a given situation.
But our perspective is our map of the world. It is our idea of how to live and navigate. As stated in NLP, map is not the territory.
So long as our perspectives result in a positive and resourceful state, it seems to work well for us. But do all our perspectives lead to positivity and resourcefulness? We hold biases, negative attitudes, self limiting beliefs, upsetting thoughts in our minds, which are unresourceful.
Although perspectives guide our everyday behaviour, but do we want to be guided in the negative and harmful direction? Not really.
So by seeking coaching and counseling we can alter our perspectives and be accepting of the maps of other people. We can be more realistic of the objective surroundings and situations.
One way you can do it yourself, is to question your ideas when you feel upset, or you feel that the world is against you. These are common feelings which do drain our energy. But it's a perspective which we have in our minds. By questioning ourselves on the authenticity of our thoughts we can to some extent change the internal representations we hold about the situation and the other person. This in turn will benefit us by inducing a positive state.