Clearing Past for a Peaceful present and a Hopeful Future
There are different therapies available for various issues in today's times. For example, there are many alternative methods of curing various issues like EFT, NLP, law of attraction and many others that work on the subconscious mind. Alternative therapies have become even more popular than regular medical aid. Famous comedian, actor and foodie, Kunal Vijaykar lost 20 kgs through an alternative method of enhancing his subconscious mind. (
Another video that caught my attention is how thousands of people are using hypnosis as a medium to lose massive amount of weight. This woman in the video just talks to the audiance in a closed hall for hours. After attending her program they start losing weight. Sharing the link here for viewing (
Similarly, most diseases doctors say are psychosomatic, that is, emotional and psychological issues are manifested in the physical body through pain and other conditions.
However one thing I have realised and would like to point out is. Many people say that alternative therapies do not work well or medicines do not give the desired results and improvement in their health too. Most of the reasons are emotional baggage which they carry around. The past hauts us in many ways, which we have been unable to release.
In a program which I attended recently, we were talking about clearing the past before we seek peace in the present and hope in the future. Here the speaker gave a thought pondering analogy to this concern. He said when you have a dead rat in the room, would you be able to counter the smell by lighting insence sticks in the room. Hell NO! It's impossible to counter the stink of a dead rat with anything, leave aside insence sticks. Therefore, we must clear the room and our past too, before lighting insence sticks and hoping for a bright and healthy future.