What You Choose To Listen Influences You


On a day when there was much peace and a fun mood at work, my colleague exclaimed.. don't read news or you will get Covid. The team laughed and so did I then. When I did give it more thought later, it was not just a statement, it had a deeper meaning. We attract our energies which affect our body. 

At times the news is drastically filled with one particular type of news. Like for example the Russia-Ukraine war is on since 5 months now. But the initial few days, it was flooding the news channels. Each and every news channel was showing the same pictures and discussions. But as time has passed, the news of the war has reduced. The war news was really disturbing. Many students returned to their home country and till that time many emotions were floating around as the news showed their plight.

Similarly, Covid news kept showing throughout the first two waves all over the world. People mourned deaths of their loved ones and sympathised with the sufferings of the others. With cases rising again, some news channels have that same news again glaring on their screens, warning people against open faces. And then their psyche plays wild, when they are down with viral too, they guess it's Covid.

So is it wrong to check the news? Not at all.. knowledge of what's up with the world is an absolute must. But too much of anything can be bad too. You can be mindlessly feeding yourself taxing ideas and negative thoughts. This can affect one's physiology. 

Let's have our own discretion to what we consume on TV and social media.

Remember energy flows attention goes. What you choose to listen influences you.
