Appreciate Your Unique Self
While Lenmark was on his daily walk he spotted a man jogging his way, without feeling the stress or even panting the way Lenmark was. Lenmark thought to himself, 'What fitness does this guy have. Wow! I wish i could be like him n jog without panting at all. Although I have been able to make it for my walk, i still am not good enough.'
The day proceed and Lenmark was on a client update call. His counterpart was giving an update and was garnering praises from the boss for his communication. This is when Lenmark thought, 'Woah! When will I get that kind of praise too? I am not good enough with my communication. I need to gear up.'
During lunch hour, the team slurpped on another team member's tiffin. Lenmark watched it carefully and thought, 'I can't cook so well too. I am so not good enough.'
During a late evening meeting, it was Lenmark's time to present a project he had been working on since a long long period. After his presentation, his team applauded him for the data and findings. His boss stated that Lenmark was very good at attention to detail, and his research would bring new breakthroughs for the team.
Hearing that Lenmark felt great instantly. But at the same time, he remembered what his coach had said to him. 'The grass always looks greener on the other side Lenmark. But we don't really know till we experience that side. While you must always be open to learning new things and be curious to know. Do not expect to know it all. Be your unique self and be thirsty to learn, That is all the attributes one must carry to be likable.'
Folks, like Lenmark in this story, day in and day out we are all comparing ourselves with others, our lives with others. Resultant is that we are over and over telling ourselves that we are not good enough. Can't we accept ourselves and our unique life situations? Just be our unique self for others to know and like. While we appreciate others for what they have, we must also appreciate ourselves for our qualities.