Carry Your Own Sunshine


A raven once looked at a swan and got quite jealous of the beauty of the swan. The pure white feathers, the slender long neck, the delicate manner in which the swan would float around in his pond. The raven thought to himself 'I wish I could be the swan.' He got an idea that he would swim in the same pond all day and may be he also would get the snow white colour of the swan. He jumped into the pond and fluttered there all day. 

His natural instinct didn't like swimming, but he was waiting for his feathers to start changing colour. He got another idea, to change the way he looked he thought let me eat what the swan eats from the river. Again his body seemed to reject what he was eating, yet the raven persists and put his efforts all day. As the water and weeds did not agree to his natural body type he grew thinner and weaker by the evening. He then asked the swan, how did u manage to get so beautiful and white? The swan said, I was born this way. What's the moral of this story? You were born a certain way and thats your innate nature, don't mess around with that, instead harp on your strengths.

We all at certain times in life have become jealous of others around us in terms of their lifestyle, looks, job, education and many other aspects. However in that emotion, at that very moment, hardly ever we get ourselves to thinking objectively about why are they the way they are. If there is something we can do better than them we must try, however it's important for us to realise that not everything is our cup of tea and it should be that way. We would have our own unique self and personality which has its own strengths. 

The world will see the strengths only when you show them to the world. Harp on your strengths and improve your areas of opportunities and carry your own sunshine with you. Be your own cheer leader and not a critique of the things which can never come to you because that's how nature has made you.
