Lets Lift Each Other
What do we do to lift each other up? Have you been helping others in need, supporting people around you, collaborating with a colleague for sharing a learning? Everything in life and everybody in life, by nature, we co-exist.
In reference to co existence i came across this article on coexistence with nature. In a village Chandapani, in the outskirts of Guwahati, a farmer named Bodo grows paddy, which is a seasonal crop. There are many elephants in that area who come often to destroy the crop. So much of crop gets destroyed before the harvest and it is a big loss for the farmer.
In the given circumstances, the way a human living in a city would think, i put some mind to it. The way we are cutting trees and making concrete jungles everywhere, the farmer must also be doing something to keep off the menance. While this is generally true that either humans would drive the elephants away or probably get killed by their wild side, in this case of Bodo, things were different. The article says thay the farmer did nothing to harm the animal, but just did few things to protect his crop. He lit his farm, fenced it well, guarded it. This to a great extent kept the elephants at bay and his loss minimal. This approach of co existence and allowing the animal to just be, is what would not occur to most of us.
Read the full article using this link.
While reading this I was thinking of how the natural human is thinking nowadays. Most times I would say its selfish. My conversations with my friends who are working professionals too, make me realise how they feel others have behaved unfair with them, even selfish. And listening to them I know they felt that others have indicated 'dont coexist' message to them.
It is surprising to see this in a world where we all talk of values like collaboration, equality and even equity, in offices, in economic forums all over the world, we still play politics and games with others who are different. By different I mean, there are gender differences, orientation preferences, learning style preferences and many other elements which make each of us unique.
And the truth is we operate with unconscious biases and do not accept the other, Just As Is. This is depicted in movies, even in the recent times where characters are seen commenting on each other over their colour, gender, religion.
Can't we humans learn to co exist with nature and with each other? Just be and let be.