You've Changed.." Ever Heard This?

 Whats with this "You've Changed..."? Heard this a couple of times myself. Usually thw context in which it is said is sheer dissatisfaction. Why? Why should one get upset because of the changes in my life or myself? 

Everybody changes overtime it is the experience of a person that changes the individual. Overtime what we go through and how we are made aware or  what we make of tricky situations shapes the way we become. More than the situations which are easy going, we learn from the tricky situations where we have got stuck, and how we have been able to find our way out.

When every stage of life comes with its own challenges and teaches us to find a way out of the difficulties of that stage, we come out wiser and we come out stronger.

So when people say you have changed. You are no more the same, you have different priorities. That just means you are living your life well and learning at every stage, you are being more mature with age. You are meant to evolve as a being and thats what is happening. Stagnation is an end to life.

With priorities changing, one keeps realigning the values one holds. Career could be of prime importance at one stage, it could be taking a back seat when there is a health situation and at another time family life could take precedence. 

If you notice this happening to yourself, give yourself that space and time to let the new priorities play in your life. Acknowledge how things have changed. Also notice how others around you also hold different priorities as per the stage in life thwy are. Its okay to know changed individuals all over again. Its okay to let people know you are there for them and understand the life they are living.  

This perspective will help us be more accepting of ourselves and the people around us. Make peace with those 'whys' in relationships.
