Go give yourself a High Five.


Mel Robbins says that Success is not the source of self-love. You can be very successful, however you can always have doubt, hate, fear and guilt, these and other negative emotions.  I'm sure, people who are successful in their lives feel low at many points in time.

Mel Robbins states in her High Five Habit book, that you look at your beaten and battered self as worthy of love and care. Every single day pratice looking at yourself in the mirror with appreciation. You love yourself for the human being you are, for the struggles you have gone through. Many a times for the years of hardwork we put in to build our lives, we do not give a fleeting comment of appreciation or a pat on the back to ourselves.

It is really strange that today many people are talking about kindness. Showing kindness to animals, showing kindness to the world and environment, to children and the old. We think that, because we feel they are vulnerable, but we all are at some point in time. 

Why don't we think of showing kindness to our own selves? By this, I'm not saying that kindness should be equated with making yourself, you know, feel lazy and pampering yourself, or not doing what you should be doing not going not pushing yourself with the limit which is impossible. It doesn't mean and doing something beyond expectations. 

Kindness is just about accepting yourself, your body, you being accepting not just for the successes, but even for the failures, because those are learnings.

Also about not equating your happiness with only success and only the cheers which the world has been doing for you. 

This has brought many of us equate the success with the happiness, which is a very disillusioned thing because one connects achieving success in everything.

It there is a race then can everyone come 1st. No. The others who have not come 1st, haven't they tried? 

 It doesn't make you bad as an individual if you don't reach a goal, that means you tried and yes maybe you can do something to you know be in the winner list. But if you equate that with the happiness and if you don't accept that person who tried and put in genuine effort then I don't think kindness to the external world is it's going to really come from within. Because it will be just an act which you are doing because you are not being kind to yourself.

Within yourself, inside yourself you're absolutely frustrated and absolutely pushing yourself to the beyond your limits and always hammering your brain saying that you have not you're not enough whereas in reality we all are we all are enough we all must accept ourselves.

Be kind and cheer for yourself first. Go give yourself a High Five.
