Have Nothing To Think.. At Times Can be Meditative


Once upon a time, a monk was seated in the hills in deep meditation. A grasshopper hops around and his attention is drawn to the still sitting monk. He hops over his lap untill the monk opens his eyes and asks him what does he want. The grasshopper asks him what he was doing. The monk stated that he was meditating. The grasshopper asked the monk to teach him meditation and the art of sitting still like he was doing. The monk agreed and asked the grasshopper to sit beside and shut his eyes. After a minute the grasshopper asked now what next, the monk asked him to just concentrate on hai breath. Now what next? Again the grasshopper got impatient. The monk asked him to sit and just calmly do that for few minutes. But the next minute the grasshopper opened his eyes and exclaimed look the grass there looks so pretty, lets meditate over there. On shifting to the new spot, they again settled down. After one moment, the grasshopper again stated look at that beautiful rock there, lets meditate over there. The monk agreed and so they shifted. After a minute again the grasshopper was unsettled and said I think we should look for another exciting place around. And so it went on... 

We hear a lot of ways in which we can destress ourselves in the midst of the busy life we lead. YouTube is full of different types of meditative music, guided meditations, and art which puts you in meditative state. People get inspired to unwind through yoga, mandala drawings, painting, sand art, pottery as modes of having a time off. Do you know how and why these help you destress?

While in our busy life we are constantly thinking about What Next? be it at work or at home, be it in relationships or while we need to start afresh, these meditations or forms of art, help us focus our thoughts on Emptiness, on Peace, on Fulfillment. At times we seem to be at loss of words if we are to explain what deep meditative state feels like. It is a diversion of thoughts, a cleansing of the pressure your mind feels with the daily chores. 

We all should indulge in any of such activities. And it could be different for some people. I find writing my thoughts, learning about new things, skills very therapeutic. Even Chilling Out and Doing Nothing is very therapeutic, but we seldom give ourselves that luxury. However doing nothing puts your mind in a reflective mode and mood. It helps to rejuvenate and bounce back to regular work refreshed all over.

When was the last time you chilled out? Or you did something therapeutic of your choice? Did you know Chilling Out is also therapeutic? What else would puts you to a meditative state of being? Find your answers with some self reflection 🪞. 
