Let Go!


Read this beautiful story about two zebras who were crossing a river while wandering the forest. They were bets of friends and were enjoying the tranquility of the moment. They both broke from the main herd of zebras and choose to seek enlightenment. While they were wadding through, a lion jumped from the bushes and asked for help to cross the river. He said that he was frightened of the water and wanted to be carried across. One of the zebras readily agreed, while the other seemed disturbed on that offer by his friend. After crossing the river and exchanging good byes, they walked their way in the forest. One of the zebras who ho carried the lion asked the other what happened, what causes you to be so worried? The other zebra asked why did u allow the lion to climb your back, he could have eated us. We would have been dead. Are you insane? The other zebra calmly replied 

“Brother, this happened many many miles back, it was I who carried the lion on my back and it was I who placed him down on the other side, over an hour ago. So why, brother, are you still carrying the lion with you? Let Go!

For peace of mind, do not try to make sense of everything. At times our minds want to give meaning to strange events also. Overthinking is a disease. I agree many incidents over and over of the same nature can prove a point and then thinking is natural. It is also human nature to alarm oneself to protect against any harm of physical and mental in nature. But i hear overthinks. Not that i was not one. We all are, but our extent varies. But getting thoughts like 'Why is my friend not calling me for breakfast?, 'Why is the person on the road looking at me?' 'Why is my client not on zoom camera?' 'Why did the neighbour pass by and miss to say hello?' Now it is right to have these thoughts, but our minds are not trained to give a benefit of doubt to others in such cases. Why can't we argue with our mind to train it and kill a budding worrisome thought which is like 'I know in office anytime an adhoc work may have come and my friend must have been busy to call me for breakfast.' 'The person must be looking at me on the road as may be I resemble someone he knows.' 'My client may not be camera ready, just the way I at times am not, so she is not on zoom.' 'My neighbour must have missed seeing me or have been wearing earphones and so dint not greet me.'

If we think otherwise, after few days our mind will stop putting unnecessary thoughts to fill it's capacity. We would have trained it well to use it for better purpose than what we do when we overthink petty observations.

Story credit: 4enlightenment.com
