Nothing Comes Easy Not Does It Come Early
Any success is hardwork and perseverance. But more than anything else I want to stress upon how not to procrastinate. I got people telling me that they also have a lot of ideas but have not put them in an article or blog or else they would also have many online followers. I say its simple, procrastination hits us all. It is a disease and we need to fight it. We can simply remove 2 mins a day to start with and scribble our thoughts, we can continue to do so till all of it is out there and then reframe the sentences and rearrange out ideas to bring out the best version of the article.
Can't we all get that time for ourselves? And hence consistency comes into picture. We may not have it on the priority list as compared to our other activities. But is can be a two minute job while traveling or while sitting on a chair to unwind for the day. And a daily post is not what you should push for. You should push for what you can, not what is cool, or what others are doing.
It all falls in place at its time and with patience and practice. Most important it will build over a period of time. So do not hesitate to start small. Be your own fan and appreciate what you could produce and have the courage to put it to the world to comment.
Nothing comes easy, nor does it come early..