The Real Treasure


The real treasure of your life. What is it? 

Most of us feel at the first instance that its our job, house, car, jewellery, savings, investments. 

But then if we reflect these are the things which give us hedonic happiness. That is when they are there or we get more of it, then we are happ. In absence of these, our happiness reduces or vanishes. 
In reality these material items are just instrumental in providing a good life, health, peace of mind, and loving relationships. 

Going even further, once we have all of this we still strive to achieve meaning and purpose, flourish in life, make life beautiful for others and make use of our existence. This is eudiamonic happiness. That is it comes from within and we can have it inspite of the kinds of turns external events take.

Treasure has different connotations for different individuals, depending on their lifestyle, their experiences, their stafe of living, their stage of evolution and maturity. For some it may be all of the above and also they may sway from finding hedonic pleasure to eudiamonic pleasure and back.

Evolved are those who can thrive on eudiamonic happiness and live carefree. For that is the Real Treasure!
