Growing and Glowing Alongside Others: Reflections Before Turn A Year Wiser :)


As I turn a year older, I find myself reflecting on my journey as a coach. What started as a role to facilitate growth and progress for others, has become a catalyst for my own growth. Through conversations with myself, I've come to realize that coaching is not just about helping others achieve their goals, but also about working on myself.

As I progress in this role, I've learned that self-awareness is key. I've had to confront my own biases, limitations, and areas for improvement. It's been a humbling experience, but also a liberating one. With each conversation, I've gained new insights and perspectives, allowing me to become a better coach and person.

My growth has been progressive, with each success and setback teaching me valuable lessons. I've set goals, achieved some, and adjusted others. Through it all, I've come to understand that coaching is not a destination, but a journey of continuous learning and self-improvement.

As I look ahead, I'm excited to continue this journey, both personally and professionally. I'm eager to explore new ways of growing, learning, and evolving as a coach and individual.

Would also want to give myself a huge pat on the back and shout out for completing my PhD this year and getting addressed as Dr. Shazneen. I am proud of myself to be able to do this with my current responsibilities. 

Seeking blessings for a new year and a better, stronger, prettier me both inside and out. 


Kanu... said…
Way2Go Shaz... Proud of u as alwayz