'I am so modest, please call me ______'
In over a decade of corporate experience and few years spent in educational sector, I have come across all kinds of personalities in the senior management cadre. By this I mean, I've seen those who truly believe their power is their Designation, their Chair and their Title (the way they are addressed- sir, mam). And I've seen those who recognise and follow the fact that a leader is what he is because of his followers. Respect is earned and commanded and cannot be demanded.
I've seen those earlier lot of people which I mentioned here, are highly driven by cabin culture. The size of the cabin and the table they have is their reason to boast. Sadly, within themselves they attach their self worth to it, and in one way they are slaves to their Chair. I say this because they attach their purpose, respect, ego and life to it.
Then there is a category 3 which I call the 'confused minds'. They are the ones who yearn for a large space and want their names to be addressed with sir or mam, but mask their feeling with a 'I am so modest, please call me ______'. These kind of managers are super confused and confusing for their peers and subordinates. They keep in the hearts the grudge of another person failing to treat them like a king and they are not transparent.
The best of the leaders hold transparency in the truest sense. They are humble, want to be addressed by name to radiate equality, show their power by being available for their people and give a patient ear to others without being judgemental. If that is too much to ask for, they also do not follow or encourage cabin culture in their office spaces. Which kind of leader are you?