Sorting Life’s Endless Tasks
I’d be honest in stating I’m
struggling. In what? In sorting the endless tasks, I have put up for myself in
life, and the journey I have set out to have. I have my family, my work, my
learning, my routine tasks and myself as an individual to attend to. I often
get to hear from my coachee’s during a coaching conversation the similar struggle.
And its but natural to feel overwhelmed. Its but natural to not feel at peace
and calm when you have multiple things to attend to. A usual coaching
conversation also states that at such times, they procrastinate, that is
postponing tasks till the need to do it becomes dire. Isn’t that too so
obvious. I mean when we are overwhelmed, we generally don’t know where to begin
from. So just wait for the right time, right setting, right people to be with
you, right support mechanism, right frame of mind. Just the ‘right’ of
everything. Who knows when ‘right’ will come. But hope is there that it will.
But then there is a catch, the
moment which is ‘right’ is right here, right now. The moment is right when the
mind feels it is right and wants to make it right. Its as right as it can get
if the mind wants it to be. Against all odds, we can just begin. Just begin to
be more accountable towards the aspirations we have, the goals we have set for
ourselves. Just be ready to keep the promise to be accountable towards yourself
and give it a start. The ball keeps rolling. Just like in this picture. The
river of life offers endless tasks and responsibilities. It swells up in front
of you if you keep piling it up with more work. Our time on earth is limited
and we can get started with what we need to do by sorting the tasks in buckets
and acting on them. The time is right here, right now, it’s the right time.