
The Illusion of Being 'Genuine'

  Have you ever wondered how often we present a different version of ourselves to the world? The term "genuine" is thrown around casually, but how often do we truly embody it? In today's world, it seems like people are increasingly adept at wearing masks, carefully curating their online personas and projecting a facade of perfection. Why do we feel compelled to hide our true selves? Is it fear of judgment, a desire to fit in, or perhaps a misguided belief that authenticity is a weakness? Whatever the reason, this constant performance can take a toll on our mental health. It's exhausting to constantly be on guard, to be alert for any potential missteps that might expose our true selves. I've observed this phenomenon firsthand. People often put on fake smiles, offer insincere compliments, and express love that feels hollow. While there are undoubtedly genuine individuals out there, it seems that the pressures of society often drive us to adopt a persona that aligns

The Power of Childlike Curiosity

  I recently had a fascinating conversation with my daughter that highlighted the power of childlike curiosity and innovative thinking. We were painting together, and she was using her brush and poster colours for scene of a bathtub and a small child playing and splashing water. As my daughter mixed different paints to create new colors, I was struck by her ability to think creatively and logically. When she mixed red and blue to make purple, I was impressed with her understanding of color theory and her recall must have been through some YouTube videos. However, I was truly amazed when she later decided to color the water in the bathtub a very dark blue. When I questioned her choice, she explained that it was nighttime, so the water should be dark. This simple explanation revealed a deep understanding of the relationship between time, setting, and color. It also demonstrated her ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions and her imagination of the context. As

Testing, Consulting and Co-Creating a Shared Vision: Peter Senge's Model

 Image taken from Link- In my previous blog, I discussed the initial stages of Peter Senge's model for building a shared vision: telling and selling. These stages involve communicating the vision to others and persuading them to embrace it. In this blog, I'll delve into the subsequent stages: testing, consulting, and co-creating. Testing Before engaging stakeholders in a more collaborative process, it's essential to test the vision to ensure it's feasible, practical, and aligned with the organization's goals. This stage, known as testing, involves letting employees experiment with the vision, put it to use, and assess the outcomes. By gathering feedback and insights from these experiments, leaders can identify potential challenges, refine the vision, and build a stronger foundation for future implementation. For example, imagine a company that is considering a new work-from-home policy. In the testing stage, the leadership team might pilot t

A Cape of Accomplishment on My PhD Convocation Day

Today is the day I've been waiting for—my PhD convocation. It feels surreal to finally be here, wearing the coveted doctoral shawl at TISS that feels like a cape on my shoulders. I'm filled with a sense of empowerment and accomplishment, a feeling that's been years in the making. This moment isn't just about the degree. It's a culmination of countless hours of research, writing, and perseverance. It's a testament to the resilience and determination I've developed throughout this journey. My PhD has taught me so much more than just academic knowledge. It has shaped me into a more confident, capable, and well-rounded individual. One of the most valuable lessons I've learned is the importance of building relationships. Collaborating with others has been instrumental in my success. I've learned how to work effectively with diverse teams, negotiate deals, and foster mutual respect.  Setting and achieving goals has also been a key component of my PhD journ

Another Feather in the Hat

We are once again celebrating excellence at ZS as We Won the Brandon Hall Awards. I am thrilled to share that my organisation ZS has been recognized with the prestigious Brandon Hall Awards for our outstanding Learning and Development (L&D) function and Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) initiatives. As a proud member of the Talent Development team, I've had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the dedication, creativity, and passion that goes into crafting exceptional training programs. In this blog, I'll take you through our journey to achieving this remarkable feat. At ZS, we believe that learning is a continuous journey, not a destination. Our team is committed to designing and delivering training programs that are engaging, relevant, and impactful. We take a holistic approach, considering the diverse needs and perspectives of our learners. Our goal is to empower employees with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to excel in their roles and drive business success. So, wh