Way to Success – Examine the Values You Hold
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Let's Think of Values |
Values are principles or beliefs,
held by each of us. These are instilled in us, to the core, generally in early
life, mostly the influence of family, social circle, and school. Although, the
overall impact of the culture and
society we live in dominates how we think and freeze our views, and make us take
a stand on various topics; values guide our behavior, motives, ultimately
influence our goal.
If your goals are aligned to your
values, you stand a better chance to achieve them. First, understand your values
and beliefs. What is it that you care for intensely and intently. Many things
in your life will be dependent on your values, how you make a living, live your
life. If goals are not aligned to your values then they will ultimately fizzle
out after the initial rush. As your values do not sync, you will start losing
interest in that goal. Trust yourself and your intuitions. Simplify the
solutions that you set for yourself. The more complicated the solution, the
more likely you are not to take that path and reach your goal.
According to Kenneth Acha, successful people have 7 values. They are ‘praise people and celebrate success’,
‘passion’, ‘relationships’, ‘accountability’, ‘innovation’, ‘servanthood’, and ‘excellence’.
So values are primary, the bedrock of what our thoughts are based on, and that
is followed by our purpose, which defines our success.
Values are also generational.
For example, as generations passed from Baby Boomers to Generation X to
Millennial to Generation Z, work values have changed. Earlier generations held ‘loyalty to their work’ as an essential value and
spent their entire lives working with one business or firm, but it is not the
same in today’s times.
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What Will I Make of Today? |
Values are like maps that direct
you with the choice of goals that suit you as a person. If you want to be
honest with yourself, then your goals must be determined by the values you hold.
Values are the starting point, the benchmark, or reference so that you set goals
that are synchronous to them. And recognize the asynchronous goals, that are not cut out for you.
So now the question is what are
your core values? How do you determine them? Would it be possible to change
them or amend them to function better or to set higher goals?
It could always be the case that
we are aware of our values. On the other hand, most people have a vague
understanding and are struggling to concretize their thoughts on the same. You
can definitely consider attending a value clarification and goal setting
training or seminar, or take professional help.
You may even want to consider
online tests available on many websites, some even for free. But before going for
it, you would probably want to do a bit of homework on the personal front.
So to determine your values, get
into the right mental state, and start with an empty mind. Ask yourself
questions like ‘What do I really care about in my life? What do I believe in?’
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Value of Relationships |
Make a list of anything that
comes to your mind. Usually, we think about family, job and career,
relationships, social status, being productive, being of value to others, being
loved, respected, etc. Ask yourself why do you feel these values are aspects of
your life are important?
At this stage, you may also
consider thinking and recalling meaningful experiences of life. For example,
think about a time when you got an award for some task or project, or recall an
incident when you were praised for being kind and generous towards a section of the society, or you were
recognized for helping someone in need. What did you feel at that time? Did you
feel high, elated, and more motivated to engage in that behavior again? What
values do you link to a feeling like that? Ambition, being helpful, social
consciousness? The more you use these questions, the more clarity you will get
about the values you have. What gives you satisfaction? What qualities do you
like in yourself and other people?
On the other end, also question
yourself on the incidents in life which have made you feel frustrated, bad,
upset, unhappy. What did you feel that time, how did you get over that feeling?
Now, question yourself on the
things you would not want to compromise in life, at any cost. Things you hold
as extremely important for yourself, which fulfills you as an individual.
These questions will help unfold
your inner feelings and the thoughts which accompany them, at the same time
uncover values. But, for most people, the list will turn out to be really long.
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Overlapping Values |
The next step here would be to
recognize the overlapping elements in your list and group the common values. For
example, values like feeling respected, a need to be socially conscious,
connecting with others, celebrating successes, would fall under the larger
group of ‘Being a social person’. This will help you to focus on the values
that you want to prioritize, the ones that give you pride, and matter to you. This exercise, that we just did is brainstorming.
In the process of this
exploration, I am sure we come across many realizations, which make us want to
change or modify few values or maybe one of them. Definitely, one must give up
the negative values. But those values which are positive contributors for us,
we would want to amplify their effects for the better. You may consider changing
your values when significant happenings occur in your life. For example,
entering the world of work, starting a family, or leaving your full-time work
for pursuing a business.
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Journey of Values |
Think about those values which
need modification or enhancement, and how it will back your current
aspirations. For example, you have always been a social person, you love to be
in groups, interaction is a practice you follow, you like to make friends and
connect with people. So here, the value is ‘being a social person’. Now at this
point, you are responsible to organize an event in your society or workplace, so your value can be modified to ‘collaboration’. That is, from ‘being a
social person’ you upgrade to ‘collaboration’ for getting the event organized. Another
example could be that you are ‘spend less on the things that are not required’,
but since now, you need to give a secure life to your family, you need to
change that to ‘fixing an amount for monthly saving’. Like these, you may
revisit those values that will help you make a change for the better.
Values become the foundation for
your decisions and goals. So take a step to clarify your values before freezing
on your goals.