Practical Ways Of Engaging In Learning And Improving Retention

Recently, I saw a video of Shiv Khera, the world-class motivational speaker, talks about how this time of lockdown is downtime, and for most of us, it is an opportunity to upgrade our skills, learn a new competency, take up a new course which may be useful for our career. Once the lockdown opens, we will be able to start off with renewed energy and focus.

Most of us are honing on this opportunity and taking to the internet to learn new information and learn new courses. Many websites like Coursera, Udemy, and many others also offering free courses for those who are interested. But with tons of information being piled up in front of us, it is essential for us to chunk and store it well in our memory. We must be able to access the reservoir of information.

Information Overload
Information Overload

Getting exposed to a lot of information is detrimental and may instead confuse us. However, if we are aiming at taking in the right amount of information would be ideal to get mental stimulation and keep learning, which is healthy at any age. 

Here are some practical ways to action while you learn new things and take new information to recall and use sometime in the future:

Coding Information
Coding Information
1.                Use Mnemonics- Mnemonics are techniques that you can use to learn any kind of information. Use Mnemonics to enhance the chances of a recall. Chunking information to learn it better, using the pegging method, loci method, rhyme and learn, are some of the many popular mnemonic techniques

Managing Attention
Managing Attention

     2.      Managing your attention span- Paying undivided attention and avoiding distractions can help information to pass from the short term to the long term memory.

   3. Take breaks- Taking breaks is actually productive for your work. An article in New York times also goes ahead to state that being overwhelmed with work and skipping essential routine like breakfast does not help. In fact, after a good break, our brain is refreshed and we learn better.  

Taking Breaks While Learning
Taking Breaks While Learning
4. Using stories- Weaving a story around what we are learning aids knowledge retention. When we attach learning with stories, we are intertwining ideas, binding thoughts together.  

4.      Relating it to past experiences, memories- Relating new information to things which we already know will help recall by establishing relationships. 

5.      Practice and rehearsal- Practice makes us perfect. Elaborative rehearsals make the nodes of memory stronger and assist in recall when required.

       6.    Visualization- This method is the best for visual learners. Use your imagination to create mental images. While learning, visual learners tend to pay more attention to graphics, pictures, and charts.  

     7.      Recalling the voice- Like visualization, the method of recalling the voice of a powerful way to learn for auditory learners.  

      8.      Understand your learning style- There are different learning styles which people use to learn. Each one of us has a dominant style. We must bank on that to learn better, however, we must use multiple modalities to make learning fun. To understand more about your own learning style, you can use freely available online tools.

9.      Teaching others- Its interesting to know that if you teach others when you know, it will enhance your own learning and retention. It is also called the Protégé Effect. 

10.   Apply your learning- Immediate and practical application of what you have learned is a great way of increasing retention. When the theory is blended with practice, it solidifies the abstract concepts with practical reality for the individual. One must search for opportunities and seek chances to apply his learning in every aspect of life.

These are some practical ways in which we can use our lockdown period to improve retention of information and engage in more learning.


Kanu... said…
So true,too much of info overwhelms us.thankss for the techniques Shazneen.nice article.
Pragati Garje said…
Good one! You have highlighted some key aspects to keep in mind. These are doable things which definitely enhance the whole elearning experience.
Nithya said…
Thanks Gandeeva, for your amazing post. I had just registered for an online program on data science last week. I was really worried if I could make the learning process effective despite my regular household chores. It seems that your learning techniques would help me a lot.